Hacker Dōjō|Project Research: Shamir

  1. Introduction to Shamir Secret Sharing
    History and basics of Shamir secret sharing
  2. Threshold Cryptography
    Explanation of the concept of threshold Cryptography.
  3. Understanding of Shamir Secret Sharing
    Basic Maths behind Shamir secret sharing.
  4. Implementation Of Shamir Secret Sharing
    Exact process behind the Shamir Secret Sharing
  5. Applications Of Shamir Secret Sharing
    Real life applications of shamir secret sharing.
  6. Variants of Shamir Secret Sharing
  7. Advantages and Disadvantages of Shamir Secret Sharing
    Sharing the various advantages and disadvantages of SSS.
  8. Future Scope of Shamir Secret Sharing
    What can we expect in the future with respect to SSS.
  9. Conclusion and Summary
    Conclusion and summary of the SSS.
  10. Gratitude and References
    Expressing the necessary gratitude and listing down the necessary references for SSS.

Manuscript_link: Shamir_Secret_Sharing