Solidity CheckUp (V2) - Trusted smart contract security audit company focused on Defi projects

Hi, Dorahacks Community!

Solidity CheckUp is the most trusted smart contract audit agency. The goal of this agency is to minimize your chances of loss and to protect you from scams.
Solidity CheckUp is an agency specializing in blockchain technology solutions, audits and Dapp Security Customized, secure and fully balanced. Our analysis include both automatic tests and manual code analysis to ensure that your project is ready for launch and built to protect users. We are always ready to provide overall security for you and the users. For this we have skilled and experienced team and sophisticated technology.
Our Services:
• Audit • Consulting • KYC

Our Products:

We have several products, which help our operations to be self-sufficient. They are:
• Solidity Checkup Governance: Solidity CheckUp Governance is managed by a decentralized community of SolP token-holders and their delegates, who propose and vote on upgrades to the protocol.
• SolP Token: Solidity CheckUp (SolP) is a Bep20 token that enables community governance of the Solidity CheckUp protocol.
• Minting Daap: SolP NFT Minting Daap is a decentralized application made for Solidity CheckUp NFT minting.

• Solidity Checkup NFTs: Solidity CheckUp NFT is an ERC721 standard token that will be used in SolP token mining or production.
• NFT Staking Protocol: Here NFT holders can mine SolP token by staking NFT.

Token Mechanism Overview

#Team 20% Tokens (which will be locked, and will continue to be released quarterly)
#Mining Pool 30% Tokens-

  • Fixed APY Up to 20%
  • Flexible APY Up to 5% (NFT holders can mine tokens.)

Primary Market:
#IDO: 10% (This will be used for marketing and protocol development)
#Liquidity: 40%

Where will these tokens be used?

  • To vote on soliditycheckup’s governance protocol, to make proposals.
  • To receive any service of Solidity Checkup, it has to be paid as currency.
  • As the native currency of MnDex. (Sister Concern)
  • As the fee of OpenGovernor. (Sister Concern)
    And this token will be used to use the tools we build in the future.


  • Q4-2022. Deploy SolP Token on Mainnet.
  • Q1 2023. Deploy Minting Daap and NFTs on Mainnet.
  • Q2 2023. Build Gov. Forum & Deploy Solidity Checkup Governor on Mainnet.
  • Q3 2023. Deploy NFT Staking Protocol on Mainnet

Grant Proposal:

We have won several grant Hackathons in the past. But the money we got was not enough for us. We have also brought several updates. And going to come up with sister concern projects like Open Governor and Mndex. And also we need some money for our own governance protocol, staking and Nft show cage, marketing etc. And this requirement is approximately $50k.
We also have funding from various Grant Hackathons along with some of our own funding. And if we get another $20K, hopefully we can finish our work.

So I appeal to Dorahacks and its community to help us grow and succeed by providing the funds.


• Website:
Buidl: Solidity CheckUp (V2) | BUIDL | DoraHacks


There is nothing new in the project. Many old ideas have been tried to be brought together in a new way, which is commendable. And what I like is that it’s simple and straightforward and understandable. And their tokens have a lot of utility. If the team takes action well, it may have a positive impact. Good luck anyway.

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Thanks for your valuable comments.

You’re not seeing anything new, and that might be right. It can also be wrong. You might be used to hearing and using NFT, NFT Mining, Governance etc. Let me tell you about one of oursimple feature(not killer feature), SolP token mining will be by SolP NFT. Here is the Proof of stake feature. That means you will need NFTs for mining and miners will count as validators. When mining stops, supply will also stop.

So if you know about each of our products and they are launched, we hope you will see many new features.