SpaceDAO - Building the Next Generation Web3 Space Organization

Buidl info: SpaceDAO | BUIDL | DoraHacks
Live Demo:
YT Demo: SpaceRanchDAO DEMO on NEAR TESTNET - YouTube

The SpaceRanch DAO is the next generation space organization managed with digital tools allowing for transparent fund delegation, voting, proposals and incentives for participation.

If we can make self organizing organizations work and be able to achieve their purpose, then the best example of this technology is achieving one of humanities greatest purposes: Space Exploration.

Our Mission
Our primary focus is developing DAO tooling which will address alternative fundraising and membership/participation mechanisms; these tools will solve critical problems new space companies are facing, such as acquiring capital and retaining talent. Furthermore, these new types of organizations present the opportunity to be more agile, iterative and innovative, compared to older legacy space organizations.

Our proof case for the demonstration of these technologies is the SpaceRanch DAO. The purpose of this DAO is to develop space launch infrastructure within the state of Wyoming; and amplify the spacetech and fintech corridor between Cheyenne and Colorado Springs.

MVP Demonstration
The demonstration is of our MVP DAO tooling concepts for ‘Liquid Membership’**

We have bridged two NEAR ecosystem applications, Mintbase and AstroDAO - where we are able to permit governance participation rights to the DAOwith an NFT transaction.

After successful purchase of the NFT membership from our Mintbase minter page, an add new member proposal is automatically generated to the SpaceRanch DAO directly through AstroDAO’s smart contract sputnik. This process allows for the new member to the join the organization autonomously and in a more decentralized operation.

Our platform uses live Mintbase NFT listings, and consumes them into our website through the mintbase API. End users can then purchase the respective NFT’s as a deliverables directly to their NEAR address as membership identifiers.

After fulfillment of this purchase lifecycle, the user is then prompted to authenticate into our SpaceRanch DAO contract (AstroDAO’s sputnik contract) and a membership proposal is automatically drafted for the purchaser as a prospective member of the DAO.

Business Development
We have registered with the new Wyoming business designation, the DAO LLC. With this designation we have opened up a real world bank account, which allows the Space Ranch DAO LLC to function as a first of it’s kind liquidity rail between protocol funding and infrastructure development, payroll, etc.

We have an office residency at the WTBC building on campus at the University of Wyoming, and have begun the process to engage with interns to help with our development efforts.

Grant Funding:
We are seeking $50,000 to $100,000 in Dora DAO Grants. Depending on available funding, we will be able to accomplish the first two development milestones, and/or all of the milestones outlined below.

Development Milestone 1: Internship Activation
Purpose: Research and Development at the University of Wyoming
Budget: $10,000

  1. We will engage students and graduates within the blockchain minor program and blockchain club at the university of wyoming.
  2. This expenditure will be compensated by the state through their internship grant program.
  3. Research and development of features for the MVP.

Development Milestone 2: Continued MVP development and team expansion
Purpose: Onboard two engineers to the core team, and engage in continuous development to add features and dashboard UX to our ‘Liquid Membership’ platform
Budget: $50,000

  1. Develop a dashboard to interface with the ‘Liquid Membership’ features
  2. Integrate the API’s of DAO governance applications, and bridge parallel multi chain ecosystems
  3. Create Discord bot to interact with dashboard components
  4. Deploy custom smart contracts to solve niche arbitration and voting/proposal issues

Development Milestone 3: Security Audit
Purpose: Validating the processes and smart contracts within the application
Budget: $10,000

Operations Milestone 1:
Purpose: Prove concepts for the business case and purpose of the SpaceRanch DAO.
Budget: $20,000

  1. Purchase land in Wyoming with the Space Ranch DAO LLC business designation.
  2. Develop digital identity and titling demonstration for the State of Wyoming.
  3. Begin test case for DAO governance by managing the land within the scope of the SpaceRanch DAO purpose and principles.

Marketing Milestone 1: Stress test of MVP and initial bounties and marketing campaigns
Budget: $8,000
Purpose: Onboard participants into the DAO and begin marketing bounties and bug bounties to stress test the features of the dashboard application.

Marketing Milestone 2: Brand Awareness and Market Exposure
Budget: $2,000
Purpose: Promotion of the application through an initial public relations strategy.

  1. Draft and circulate Press Release
  2. Develop Press Kit
  3. Engage traditional campaigns with limited budget to make use of promotional ad spend credits
  4. Optimize user experience with new growth metrics and feedback

Love how you explain your plan. Good luck man!

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Thanks! Appreciate your support <3


Voting Incentive The SpaceDAO team is offering a voting incentive to all participants in the 1st round for the DoraHacks DAO Grant. After you vote, fill out this form to be eligible to receive the Cadet rank in our SpaceDAO.

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